
[NG]Bot ng błąd ze skryptem. Pilne

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[NG]Bot ng błąd ze skryptem. Pilne
  Witam. Mam problem ze skryptem na free items
integer : Cnt;
while not terminated do begin
cnt := screen.tile[6, 4].count;
if ((cnt > 1) and (screen.tile[6, 4].item[cnt - 1].properties.carryable)) then
screen.tile[6, 4].item[cnt - 1].movetocontainer(self.containers.container[0], 0, 0);
cnt := screen.tile[6, 5].count;
if ((cnt > 1) and (screen.tile[6, 5].item[cnt - 1].properties.carryable)) then
screen.tile[6, 5].item[cnt - 1].movetocontainer(self.containers.container[0], 0, 0);
cnt := screen.tile[6, 6].count;
if ((cnt > 1) and (screen.tile[6, 6].item[cnt - 1].properties.carryable)) then
screen.tile[6, 6].item[cnt - 1].movetocontainer(self.containers.container[0], 0, 0);
cnt := screen.tile[7, 4].count;
if ((cnt > 1) and (screen.tile[7, 4].item[cnt - 1].properties.carryable)) then
screen.tile[7, 4].item[cnt - 1].movetocontainer(self.containers.container[0], 0, 0);
cnt := screen.tile[7, 5].count;
if ((cnt > 2) and (screen.tile[7, 5].item[cnt - 1].properties.carryable)) then
screen.tile[7, 5].item[cnt - 1].movetocontainer(self.containers.container[0], 0, 0);
cnt := screen.tile[7, 6].count;
if ((cnt > 1) and (screen.tile[7, 6].item[cnt - 1].properties.carryable)) then
screen.tile[7, 6].item[cnt - 1].movetocontainer(self.containers.container[0], 0, 0);
cnt := screen.tile[8, 4].count;
if ((cnt > 1) and (screen.tile[8, 4].item[cnt - 1].properties.carryable)) then
screen.tile[8, 4].item[cnt - 1].movetocontainer(self.containers.container[0], 0, 0);
cnt := screen.tile[8, 5].count;
if ((cnt > 1) and (screen.tile[8, 5].item[cnt - 1].properties.carryable)) then
screen.tile[8, 5].item[cnt - 1].movetocontainer(self.containers.container[0], 0, 0);
cnt := screen.tile[8, 6].count;
if ((cnt > 1) and (screen.tile[8, 6].item[cnt - 1].properties.carryable)) then
screen.tile[8, 6].item[cnt - 1].movetocontainer(self.containers.container[0], 0, 0);
tzn wyskakuje dluuugi blad i nie dziala.
[Exception] items.ng(20): Access violation at address 0B1BA24A in module 'hook.dll'. Read of address 00000004 when evaluating instruction CallProc ($0,$3,$B1BC700,$B53D4A0,'MoveToContainer'). Stack content is: [Null:]. Moje pytanie to czemu.
Jezeli nie da sie nic zrobic to prosze o inny skrypt.
Reput poleci.
  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
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  • marcinkiewicz.opx.pl